
What a hectic week bahhhhhh! And finally! Presentations are down and main projects are submitted. Still there's a/c and comm sk. Phew. Kinda thougher than last semester and I bet next semester would be a nightmare.

Emotions have been rather monotonous for this week. Numb, and don't-know-what-to-feel emotions. LOL. Don't know what shit I'm talking about. Anyway, skipped band today as my family had an early reunion for CNY. Jayjay's going overseas for 6 weeks! And he won't be back for Eerik's birthday and CNY. Sigh.. Big brothers brought little sister to Sim Lim Square to buy her IPOD! : D Yay, settled myself with a silver Ipod Nano II : ) My firsssst mp3 player. Phew. Big brothers drove little sister home for home-made steamboat!!!! YUMYUM! And was feeling sooooooo bloated! Thank goodness she didn't gain weight! (beams!)

Mmmmmm.. Goreng, chocolate, rotten, dragon, beng, blushie, old and laughing emo pisangs stayed over at CHARRED pisang's place yesterday night and all went to school together. Haha.. Was extremely exhausted as we were on movie marathon. Watched 3 movies straight, She's The Man, Scary Movie 4 and White chicks from 11PM all the way to 6AM? LOL. Dinner with dragon, charred and goreng pisangs was awesome : ) Spread the story of Nasi Lemak, okay? : )

Okay I seem to be typing in a very weird manner. Anyway, we all went to school after sleeping for about 1hour or so? I WAS SO COLD! Hahaha, I showered in cold water early in the morning! I forgot to switch on the water heater! And it was raining outside la. Hmmm.. Kannan's place is really very nice and cosy. But it gets really very very cold at night till morning and there is a lot of MOZZIES!!! AHHH!! I got 6 mozzie bites? :S LOL... So, I went to school unprepared for RSB presentation. Sigh, was a nervous wreck, missed a point, and screwed up the rest of my speech. I was still so stressed after the presentations. Comments on my group was quite positive, except for the people(including ME!) holding the scripts and distracting the audiences, he didn't comment on my speech like thank goodness! I'm really not cut out for Business, but still my group has the highest for visuals! HAHA. See? I'm at least better at designing than making public speeches. BLAH. Overall, well done Group D, very very satisfied with our presentation although I screwed my ego needs and motivation part. HAHA. Don't bother about what others say : ) Because we truely believe tht all the efforts we have put in is worth and we achieved what Roche has expected. I guess? Lunch with Pisangs and went home with Beng pisang. He was AWFULLY quiet but both of us fell asleep. Hmmm, we're all too beat, luh. Okay that's it! GOOD NIGHT.

Some pictures to wrap it up!

"Please welcome, the new age retailers."

"Ha, Felii, Su-h, Liping with ME! :)"

"Lousie the Goreng Pisang and Jols the Laughing Emo Pisang!"
"Story Nasi Lemak Clan. First four pisangs of Jan Pisang Gathering!"

(: Love.

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